The Secret to Chine-collé in Collagraphs

The Secret to Chine-collé in Collagraphs

In this video I demonstrate how you can create some really cool Chine-collés using objects and textures as well showing the ultimate successful way of using Chine-collé in your printmaking! In traditional printmaking, chine-colé is a technique used to create prints with multiple colors.

A piece of paper is printed with a black ink, and then another sheet of paper is glued on top. The two sheets are then cut apart, and the resulting print has multiple colors. This same technique can be used in collagraphs.

By printing a piece of paper with a ink, and then gluing another sheet of paper on top, you can create prints with multiple colors. This can be a great way to add interest and depth to your collagraphs.



Intaglio Inks: Madder Lake, Metallic Gold by Intaglio Printmaker 
Some old Collagraph Plates
Chine-collé paper and tissue paper
PV glue, water soluble
Paper: Printmaking Paper 300gsm cards 
Vegetable Oil and White Spirit for cleaning up
Newsprint Paper 
Old newspaper for wiping etc
Scrim for wiping off ink 
Hard Large roller 
Palette knife, card 
Polymetaal Press HS-35 Tabletop Etching Press 

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